We went to the Outer Banks, NC last week for vacation. It was lots of fun, and the weather was great. It was pretty hot though. Occasionally you could smell the smoke from the wildfires in Raleigh. It rained on Monday, so that made for a good shopping day for us girls! Most of the time was spent on the beach getting some sun. Jason had a lot of fun boogie boarding with My uncle and cousins. The waves were pretty rough and he wiped out a couple times, but came up laughing. One morning we went fishing at the inlet, no one really caught anything to keep. My dad caught an Alligator Gar fish, man did that thing have some teeth!! I kept myself entertained by playing with the hermit crabs! We went to Hooters one night for dinner, it was trivia night and our team won! On another morning the boys went golfing. That pretty much sums up our week, I wish we were still there!!!