So I was tagged! My pic is of Herky and Kylie sitting in a window when they were still kittens! Now I don't think there is anyone left for me to tag!

I went to Deep Creek Lake on a ski trip with my family this past weekend. Unfortunately Jason could not go because he got scheduled for court. :-( It was still lots of fun. I drove down Wednesday night in a thunderstorm with lightning and everything, it was weird. During the night tho, it changed to snow. Ski conditions were great! We got in a lot of great runs! Thursday night we went tubing, that was a lot of fun. We had races. I came in second. Saturday we went to the state park to hike and see the waterfalls. It is the largest waterfall in MD. Then my cousin Jennifer and I drove around to try and find the playground I used to play at when I was a kid. It was still there! So we acted like little kids and played on it for a while.
Jason and I are going to DC this weekend since we have not celebrated Valentines Day yet. We are staying the night and going out for a nice dinner at the Melting Pot (best restaurant ever!) Then Sunday we have a hockey game to go to.
One more thing, we decided to where we are going to go for our honeymoon!!! Hawaii!!! Yay!! We are going to stay on the Island of Kauai.
Here are a couple pics of the ski trip:
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